Those guineas have been my best behaved ones, so maybe that initial refrigeration helped them keep their cool! Making an Incubator from Scratch You should opt for eggs that haven’t been chilled if you can, though I suspect the ones I purchased locally had seen the inside of a fridge and half of them still hatched. And, for the third, I used a pile of eggs our guineas had laid themselves-about one and a half dozen that time. For the second, I bought a dozen from a local seller. For my first incubation, I purchased two dozen on E-bay from a farm in Texas. You also will require a utility knife and super glue, the type of light socket kit that is used to make homemade lamps, a 6 by 8-inch pane of glass for a window, a power strip, a cup of water to provide humidity inside the cooler, and the aforementioned computer fan which has been converted so it can be plugged into your power strip.

That sort of bulb can be hard to find these days, but it must give off heat, which fluorescents and LEDs won’t. Second, slightly grubby, homemade incubator after a hatch. A 15-watt incandescent aquarium bulb generally can keep this size cooler at about the right temperature of 99 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition to a large easy-to-read thermometer, you’ll require a lidded Styrofoam cooler which is about 14 1/2 by 12 inches at the top, 12 inches tall, and tapering to 12 1/2 by 10 inches at the base. So I decided my more hands-on method might have its advantages after all. I had heard, from people who had used “real” incubators, that those sometimes produced no hatch at all. Despite my discovering how much attention this type of incubation requires, I continued to use the homemade set-up for my later two tries as well. So, if you, too, choose to use a homemade incubator, you will be most successful if you have family members who are willing to help.

She also was there to turn the eggs and keep an eye on the temperature whenever I had to be away.
Homemade incubator how to#
It was she who figured out how to convert a computer fan, so that it could be attached to the inside of the cooler. My success at hatching 20 out of 24 eggs probably can be attributed to my elderly mother still being on hand back then.